Refuge Family Retreat | Retiro Familiar de Refugio
This is a retreat for all ages and includes worship, games, Bible studies and other activities. Linden Valley Conference Center is located 1.5 hours away at 1225 Baptist Camp Rd, Linden, Tennessee, 37096. There are 3 options for participation at different prices. Families are asked to bring food and snacks to share. Bring your Bibles, board games, casual clothes, towels and bedding for a twin bed if staying in cabins. We will leave Friday at 5:30pm and return on Sunday in time for morning worship at the church.
Este es un retiro para todas las edades e incluye adoración, juegos, estudios bíblicos y otras actividades. Linden Valley Conference Center se encuentra 1.5 horas de distancia en 1225 Baptist Camp Rd, Linden, Tennessee, 37096. Hay tres opciones para participar con diferentes precios. Se les pedimos a las familias que traigan comida y refrigerios para compartir. Traigan sus Biblias, juegos, ropa casual, toallas y sabanas/almohadas para una cama individual en las cabañas. Saldremos el viernes a las 5:30 pm y regresaremos el domingo a tiempo para la adoración de la mañana en la iglesia.
Option #1: 2-nights stay (Oct 25-27)
Arrive Friday night and return Sunday morning. Cost is $60 per person to stay in the cabins for 2 nights. A private hotel room costs $250 and includes 2 double beds.
Option #2: 1-night stay (Oct 26-27)
Arrive Saturday morning and return Sunday morning. Cost is $30 per person to stay in the cabins for 1 nights. A private hotel room costs $125 and includes 2 double beds.
Option #3: Join us for the day (Oct 26)
Arrive Satruday morning and return Saturday night. Main activities begin at 9am and end at 6pm. There is no cost for participating, but we ask you to bring food this day. Cost is $30 per person to stay in the cabins for 1 nights.